Fast Application

Thank you for your interest in working at Tullymore Golf Resort. Please use this form to provide show your initial interest in employment by providing the information requested below.

This is an abbreviated application as part of our “Fast Application” opportunity. If you are selected to continue as a prospective employee, you will asked to complete a more detailed application.

Please only complete the form one time.

  • List your previous employment and job title. Click the (+) to add more rows.
    Select one or multiple position(s) you are interested in.
    Please indicate which months you are available to work (full or partial)
    Please indicate which days of the week you are available to work (full or partial)
  • Please use this area to provide additional information if needed.
  • Please use this area to provide additional information if needed.

We consider applicants for all positions without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status or any other legally protected status.

I understand that completion of this form does not constitute an offer of employment and that no person other than the Chief Operating Officer of Tullymore has authority to offer employment.